Monday, February 29, 2016

Congratulations to Walt & Susie Sample!

Married Friday February 26, 2016.

So proud of my son and daughter in law.

Grand Entrance.
Cute couple.
 Sister Sheila, Sister Sally, Susie and Sister Sue.
Peggy and me. Who's playing that Tele in the background?
Bill Kirchen and Walt Sample. Too Much Fun!
Bill brought his trombone!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Missed my Monday post! I am back to normal now..........

These drawings are hypnotic. Edward Deeds spent his life in State Hospital No. 3 in Nevada, Mo. He used ledger paper to draw 283 pictures. They were recovered
in 1970 and now are in a book called The Mystery Of The Electric Pencil.


This sticks with me like a big bowl of oatmeal with raisins on a winter morning.

Edwin Denby

I don’t know any more what it used to be
Before I saw you at the table sitting across from me
All I can remember is I saw you look at me
And I couldn’t breathe and I hurt so bad I couldn’t see.

I couldn’t see but just your looking eyes
And my ears was buzzing with a thumping noise
And I was scared the way everything went rushing around
Like I was all alone, like I was going to drown.

There wasn’t nothing left except the light of your face,
There might have been no people, there might have been no place,
Like as if a dream were to be stronger than thought
And could walk into the sun and be stronger than aught.

Then someone says something and then you spoke
And I couldn’t hardly answer up, but it sounded like a croak
So I just sat still and nobody knew
That since that happened all of everything is you.


Most of us will agree that writing a sad song is 100 times easier than writing a happy upbeat song.

Two good reads.

Seventy Loving Years
Walt Sample                      

Icy sun shone through naked spires of trees 
Bathing the bottle brown house in a golden freeze 
Minnie’s eyes were bits of ash cold dead and grey 
Her blue veined hands pulled the curtain on a new day 

Minnie’s only color was coffin ruffle beige 
No summer greens or apple reds in her gaze 
She was still breathin’ air but she wasn’t alive 
Cocooned in her darkness ever since Charlie died 

Seventy loving years 
Turned to graveyard tears 
How do you say goodbye 
To the best part of your life 

Like a silent movie memories black and white 
Minnie’s livein’ her life in the color cave of night 

Seventy loving years 
Turned to graveyard tears 
How do you say goodbye 
To the best part of your life 

Her blue veined hands pulled the curtain on a new day 


All 3 of these podcasts are movies for your ears.


Get rid of that monkey in your head. Keep it tied up!

Now go to Barnagie and listen to Walt Leuzinger's Keep That Monkey Tied Up!

Monday, February 15, 2016

When we are angry or depressed in our creativity, we have displaced our power. We have allowed someone else to determine our worth, and then we are angry at being undervalued.
Julia Margaret Cameron

Cameron's mountain Nymph.


Bob Dylan's 25 musical heros.

Guess which one in this picture makes the list?

Congratulations Alpha Ranger Hillman! 
Worth the read.


Last but certainly not least, check this out!

Congratulations Jorma!

Monday, February 8, 2016

This is very interesting.

Producer Tony Visconti uses the original master tapes from sessions at Hansa Studio in Berlin to get to the heart of the title track from 'Heroes', one of David Bowie’s best-loved songs.
We hear the song built up by individual contributions, including those from guitarist Robert Fripp, Brian Eno's 'synthesiser in a briefcase' and of course David Bowie's powerful, harshly emotional vocal.
This film with Tony Visconti is an extended version of that on the BBC Four programme Music Moguls: Melody Makers. It closes with the iconic music video for 'Heroes', directed in 1977 by Stanley Dorfman.

Release date:


I wasn't a big fan at first. But, they grow on you like warm comforting moss. Cool article.


Sharon Bryan

Middle age refers more
to landscape than to time:
it’s as if you’d reached
the top of a hill
and could see all the way
to the end of your life,
so you know without a doubt
that it has an end—
not that it will have,
but that it does have,
if only in outline—
so for the first time
you can see your life whole,
beginning and end not far
from where you stand,
the horizon in the distance—
the view makes you weep,
but it also has the beauty
of symmetry, like the earth
seen from space: you can’t help
but admire it from afar,
especially now, while it’s simple
to re-enter whenever you choose,
lying down in your life,
waking up to it
just as you always have—
except that the details resonate
by virtue of being contained,
as your own words
coming back to you
define the landscape,
remind you that it won’t go on
like this forever.


My corn crib is an old tack shack about twenty five yards north east of my cabin porch at the bottom of the driveway. This year I filled it with 120 bushels of corn. There are about 60 ears in a bushel. The average ear has 16 rows and 800 kernels. So I have 7,200 ears and 5,760,000 little yellow kernels.

I am not the only one aware of that fact. Every morning while sipping coffee I witness many of my winged, two legged and four legged friends come visit. This year I installed a door which makes it even more interesting for me and more difficult for my friends. 

Here is a picture of my guards. This is a rare snapshot because they are awake.

Usually the first visitors are squirrels. Fat happy squirrels. I am attempting to get photos of them inside the crib feasting. So far no luck. There is a small shelf above the door when the extra large grey sits and eats. One day while getting a bucket to feed Toby, Sammy Joe and Diamond, I opened the door and the jumbo red was startled mid feast and scurried up the wall and out one of the many escape/entry holes. I gathered ears and kept hearing munching. Not aware of the huge grey's dining table, I was startled when I turned and saw it inches from my head. It is humongous!

Next comes a parade of turkeys. Usually 10 or 15. sometimes too many to count.

Then the deer. I have two resident does with fawns. Last year they both had twins!

Now comes the exciting part. Small rodents enjoy the bounty and travel the area frequently.
This has not gone unnoticed by the local cast of hawks. They sit on a low branch of a nearby black oak and wait for dinner to scurry past.

Crows and Morning Doves visit constantly.

I put in a new floor and did my best to secure the contents of the crib before filling it this year.
Unlike The Great Escape, the tunnels all lead in. Along with holes chewed in the pine walls and plywood floor. Roof metal pushed aside. 

You get the idea. All I did was make it a little bit harder, not impossible.

I see squirrels struggling while carrying full ears thru the woods and find naked cobs everywhere.

Spring time brings 1000s of lone corn plants through out the forest and pasture. 

Racoons and opossums are nightly visitors. Never get much of a glimpse but, I hear the commotion when my guards get involved. 

I am reminded of the National Geographic films at the African watering hole while I enjoy my coffee.