Monday, November 14, 2016

I headed to Marietta, Ohio Friday morning for a show and to kick around my old haunts. My buddy Rob McNurlin is friends with Marty and his band and got us comp VIP tickets! Thanks Rob!

I lived there for eight years and earned a Marietta College interdisciplinary degree in Art and Philosophy. Wanted to visit my old memories. Maybe wake a few up.

I reserved a room at The Lafayette Hotel with a riverfront balcony. The hotel is a couple of hundred years old and stuffed with history. I used to work there, in cooperation with the college, restoring The Becky Thatcher paddle wheel riverboat. I have sack full of unfinished songs that a river view room would help me over the edge. I was excited. Upon front desk arrival I was greeted by a gruff employee that disliked small talk. Getting off the mouse small elevator, I noticed that my room was on the wrong side of the building to view the river. It was! A parking lot dumpster view would not get the pencil moving.

After an nice 30 minute lobby wait in a purple oak handled couch Abraham Lincoln might of sat in, I was told that the hotel manager had checked my reservation and that indeed I had specifically asked for a parking lot view.

You can't make this stuff up!

Pulling up to the Hampton Inn there was a Dad unloading a Red Dodge minivan stuffed with kid stuff filling the room cart thing you can never steer. I see the automatic doors open and a red dressed little girl maybe 2 or 3 running to her Dad. I drive like an old farmer going to Sunday Services so speed is never a problem. I simply stopped. No skid. Not even a hint of a Goodyear squeal. He gives me a scared look. So does the girl. I get out of my truck and enter the lobby. A mother with a few more kids is standing at the desk. She comes up to me teary eyed and says "Thanks for not running over my little girl!" Then she hugs me.

I thought the Marietta news crew was gonna be called. What a fuss. I was guest of the day for sure.

More in a bit. The adventure is just getting started.

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