Saturday, November 7, 2015

Write down your dreams first thing every morning.

Good advice.
Bits and pieces of your journeys will be fresh.
Keep a dream journal on your nightstand.
Snap shots of night trips will be fascinating.

As songwriters we need another journal to fill before we go to bed.

Write down your daydreams right before you go to bed.

Good advice.
Bits and pieces of your journeys will be fresh.
Keep a day dream journal on your nightstand.
Snap shots of day trips will be fascinating.

I am certain I offer scholarly advice because.....Einstein backs up my hypothesis...........

 “ Einstein relished what he called Gedankenexperimente, ideas that he twirled around in his head rather than in a lab. That’s what teachers call daydreaming, but if you’re Einstein you get to call them Gedankenexperimente. As these thought experiments remind us, creativity is based on imagination. If we hope to inspire kids to love science, we need to do more than drill them in math and memorized formulas. We should stimulate their minds’ eyes as well. Even let them daydream… [The] ability to visualize the unseen has always been the key to creative genius. As Einstein later put it, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. ”

— Walter Isaacson, author of Einstein: His Life and Universe, on Einstein’s thought experiments

So, Einstein tells us our imagination is our personal knowledge text book. Our building blocks of creativity. In a way we are writing personal reference books; handbooks for our endeavors.

At least that is my take.

Maybe I should keep a note book on my John Deere.

Might day dream while I grate the driveway today.......

gazing at the sky, white pine trees, red oak trees, crows, grey squirrels, turkeys

....mind might wander over the crunchy carpet of garnet gold leafs

might in-vision things in the newly exposed limestone landscape....

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